How Long Does an Upper Endoscopy Take? Essential Information for Patients

When your doctor recommends an upper endoscopy, it’s natural to feel a mix of curiosity and concern. Questions flood your mind, with one of the most pressing being, “How long will this take?” An upper endoscopy is a common medical procedure used to examine the upper part of the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine. It helps doctors diagnose and treat conditions like acid reflux, ulcers, and other gastrointestinal issues. Understanding what to expect can ease your worries and help you prepare. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the timeline of an upper endoscopy, breaking down each step from preparation to recovery.

Pre-Procedure Preparation

Preparing for an upper endoscopy involves several steps to ensure the procedure goes smoothly and safely. 

  • The patients are instructed to fast for about 8 hours before the procedure to ensure their stomach is empty.
  • Patients may need to adjust or stop certain medications, particularly blood thinners or diabetes medications.
  • On the day of the appointment, it’s advisable to wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Bring a photo ID, your insurance card, and a list of all medications you are currently taking.

The Procedure: Step-by-Step

Upon arrival at the healthcare facility, you’ll check in and complete any necessary paperwork. Next, you’ll be prepped for the procedure by possibly changing into a gown. Next, you’ll lie on your left side, a bite block will be placed in your mouth (to protect your teeth and the endoscope), and you will be given sedation to put you to sleep; the doctor will then gently insert the endoscope through your mouth. The camera on the endoscope transmits images to a monitor, allowing the doctor to carefully examine the lining of these organs.

Post-Procedure Recovery

After the upper endoscopy, you’ll be taken to a recovery area where medical staff will monitor you as the sedation wears off. Immediate post-procedure care involves checking your vital signs and ensuring you are comfortable. You may feel unsteady or slightly disoriented as you wake up, which is normal after sedation.

Common sensation following the procedure may include mild bloating, or a feeling of pressure in your stomach. These side effects are typically mild and resolve quickly.

The Duration of the Procedure

Dr. Yuriy Israel, a popular gastroenterologist in Forest Hills, shared insights on how long upper endoscopy procedures typically take. He said, “The procedure itself takes anywhere between five to seven minutes. However, the entire process may take about an hour to an hour and a half, including putting in the IV, performing the procedure, and the recovery period after anesthesia.”


The upper endoscopy is a relatively swift and straightforward process. At Gastroenterology and Nutrition, P.C., our dedicated team ensures you receive the highest level of medical attention and support. We believe in empowering our patients with knowledge, so you can feel confident and informed about your health choices. If you have any more questions or are ready to schedule your upper endoscopy, call us at 718-261-0900.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to prepare for the procedure?

Yes, you will need to fast for several hours before the procedure to ensure your stomach is empty. Your doctor will provide specific instructions on how to prepare.

Will I be awake during the procedure?

You will be sedated during the procedure to ensure your comfort. Most patients do not remember the procedure and feel relaxed throughout.

How soon can I eat after the procedure?

You will be able to eat after the sedative wears off and your throat is no longer numb, generally within a few hours after the procedure. Start with light, easy-to-digest foods.

How soon will I get my results?

Preliminary results may be discussed with you immediately after the procedure. If biopsies were taken, those results might take a few days to a week.


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